Do You Qualify for HVAC Biz in a Box?

Yes, if you are generating less than $500,000 in revenues.

HVAC Biz in a Box gives smaller contractors the tools that all larger contractors have. Dispatching, flat

rate, load calculations, proposal pricing, QuickBooks, maintenance agreements, operations manuals,

financial reviews and very important….telephone support…geared specifically for HVAC businesses

under $500,000 in revenue.

If you want to spend your days concentrating on taking care of customers rather than on the business

side of your business, HVAC Biz in a Box is for you.

Why am I doing this?

For the past 30 years I’ve been helping larger contractors grow their business profitably. I’ve helped

them take really good care of their customers and in the process many make millions and sell their

company for millions. And no, I’m not giving up working with larger contractors. In fact, I am helping

them with HVAC Biz in a Box – making smaller contractors stronger makes better competitors for larger


Until now I haven’t had the tools to help smaller contractors.

I wanted to be able to work with a small HVAC business so, if they chose to grow, they grew the right

way and they didn’t get in trouble. You know. The proper pricing, the proper sales procedures, the

proper bookkeeping procedures, the proper website, and the proper….you get the idea.

But, I didn’t have the time to be able to do it. And, what little guy would be willing to, or could even

justify, my fees of $4000 per day? No one. Couldn’t do it…until now.

I’ve brought the best minds together in the HVAC industry to create HVAC Biz in a Box. From your

mobile app you can dispatch, service, and create a replacement proposal for your customers. Enroll and

service maintenance agreements…the right way.

Take a picture of your bill when you go to a supplier and it automatically goes into your QuickBooks.

Take credit cards. Payments automatically go into QuickBooks. Payroll is handled…

And, for the stuff you really don’t like to do…your accounting is set up right. Your pricing is set up right.

And, if you want, your wife really can do the books, although we don’t recommend it.

When you follow the plan, you can retire with $1,000,000 in the bank in 10 years…even staying small.


We are looking for 9 Charter members.

When “the cat was let out of the bag” in this month’s issue of HVACR Business during my 20 Questions

interview with Terry Tanker, a contractor in South Carolina read the interview, called me and said he

was tired of the rat race and wanted to run his business right. He gave me his credit card, sight unseen.

During December we will work with him and with 9 more contractors who are willing to share and give

us feedback prior to the nationwide roll out in January, 2016.

The website is not up so you can’t enroll on line until January. The only way to start now is to complete

the attached Enrollment form or call us at (888) 655-8841 or (678) 969-2780.

Here’s what you get:

 Dispatch software

 Flat rate software

 Proposal pricing software

 Proposal writing software

 Load calculating software

 QuickBooks and the appropriate apps

 Credit card payment software and reader

 Operations Manual

 Maintenance agreements and maintenance processes

 Financial statements review

 Monthly HVAC Biz in a Box audio CD with sales, marketing, and other business ideas

 Up to 2 hours per month support


 Payroll for up to 5 people

Here’s what you need:

 iPad or tablet – all software is in the Cloud

Here’s what you invest:

Start up:

 $697 without payroll

 $847 with payroll (up to 5 employees)

Monthly investment:

 $797 without payroll

 $847 with payroll

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